Contains Potentiated Pollen and exclusive New Zealand Pine Bark Extract, both products from our staff's research. Powerful antioxidants coupled with a full spectrum of natural vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids and lipids make this an essential dietary supplement for energy and vitality.
This product is for general nutrition and may be taken by all people except those very few people who may exhibit allergic reactions to orally-ingested pollen or flavonoids. It is very high in anti-oxidant content, has an excellent amino acid spectrum, and is rich in natural vitamins. It can truly be said to be a complete heath supplement in one.
Potentiated Pollen is more bio-available than other pollen products and pollen is known to be one of Nature's healthiest foods, increasing energy levels and general nutritional status.
New Zealand Pine Bark Extract is a rich mix of flavonoid antioxidants extracted using a non-chemical process from the bark of New Zealand pine trees, which are grown without either fertilizers or sprays.
A note on hay fever: This condition is caused by airborne pollen germinating on the moist nasal lining of the nose. Potentiated Pollen is not air borne, it cannot germinate and is taken orally, so it cannot cause hay fever. To the contrary, the majority of hay fever sufferers report a marked improvement when they take Potentiated Pollen for hay fever. However, like all foods, new users should be cautious when starting the product by taking only one capsule to see if there are any adverse effects. Reactions, though very rare, are possible as with any food.
Bio-Mussel™ is an extract from the Green Lipped Mussel (Perna caniculus) using our unique technology which results in an odour-reduced product with full efficacy. Green Lipped Mussel extract has been found to be very helpful for joint and connective tissue problems, but many consumers do not like the smell which is often due to oxidative rancidity. Bio-Mussel™ is free of the unacceptable smell. We have reduced the smell without reducing potency.
A note about the mussel
The Green Lipped Mussel is one of the dominant species of intertidal/subtidal mussels in New Zealand. It grows nowhere else in the world. New Zealand mussel farmers use a special technology to grow and harvest these shellfish and the industry is closely regulated to ensure sustainability and non-pollution. The mussels are delicious to eat, but also have wonderful health properties. Why this should be so is one of Nature's mysteries as no other mussel species anywhere has these properties in such an abundant degree.
Shark cartilage is a well known product taken for a number of problems, including joint problems. However, many people suffer from nausea when taking it. We have discovered what caused the nausea and have removed it using a food enzyme that does not affect the efficacy of the product.
Bio-Shark™ is not sourced from endangered sharks, but from sustainably managed cartilaginous fish used as food in New Zealand. The fish come from the cool, clean waters surrounding New Zealand. Our product has a low mercury and other heavy metals content, as determined by independent analysts.
What is it for?
This traditional Asian health food is regarded as an excellent tonic to keep you at the peak of health.
It is not an aphrodisiac. It gained that reputation through cultural misunderstanding. In Asia grannies and mothers give their children regular doses every day, because they want the best for their grandchildren or children. They take it themselves, too. Often, a good host or good restaurants in Asia will provide deer velvet to guests as a sign of respect and a wish to give them good health. In Asia people take it because they know it is good for them. They have personal experience of its benefits.
But what does Western Science say?
There are many studies which attest to the good things present in deer velvet. We will update the "More About Deer Velvet" page as more information comes in for those who wish to learn more.
What is it?
New Zealand red deer are farmed just like sheep.. The mature males (stags) grow antlers in Spring and shed them after mating in Autumn. As these antlers are very large they have to grow very fast. This fast growth rate is thought to be due to the presence of special factors which accelerate and regulate growth. These keep the growing antler in peak metabolic condition to enable the antlers grow very quickly.
The antlers are harvested in the "velvet" stage, when they look and feel like velvet, hence the name. The harvest is during Spring and Summer and the methods used to harvest the velvet are humane and do not hurt the stag.
The velvet, or deer horn as it is commonly known in Asia, is then processed and encapsulated. The critical processing step, which determines quality, is the drying temperature. The colder the temperature of drying the better. Ours is a cold processed product so is excellent quality.
Disappointed with superficial topical beauty applications that partially cover up aging or damaged skin? It stands to reason that if the skin and underlying tissues aren't in top notch health then cosmetic cover-ups won't work or won't work for long.
Try our "beauty from within" approach using Bio-Silica™.
We use a safe plant native to New Zealand and a unique technology to produce a silica-rich supplement that helps collagen and bone thus producing radiant skin, clear eyes, glossy, healthy hair and healthy bones and joints.
Silica has been found to assist in the management of ailments including the development of bone, cartilage and connective tissue.
Contains Potentiated Pollen, a product of our staff's research. A full spectrum of natural vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids and lipids make this an essential dietary supplement for energy and vitality.
This product is for general nutrition and may be taken by all people except those very few people who may exhibit allergic reactions to orally-ingested pollen. It is very high in anti-oxidant content, has an excellent amino acid spectrum, and is rich in natural vitamins. It can truly be said to be a complete heath supplement in one.
Potentiated Pollen is more bio-available than other pollen products and pollen is known to be one of Nature's healthiest foods, increasing energy levels and general nutritional status. It is produced using a patented process of explosive decompression.
A note on hay fever: This condition is caused by airborne pollen germinating on the moist nasal lining of the nose. Potentiated Pollen is not air borne, it cannot germinate and is taken orally, so it cannot cause hay fever. To the contrary, the majority of hay fever sufferers report a marked improvement when they take Potentiated Pollen for hay fever. However, like all foods, new users should be cautious when starting the product by taking only one capsule to see if there are any adverse effects. Reactions, though very rare, are possible as with any food.
Capsule sizes: (a) '1' size = 400 mg.; (b) '0' size = 500 mg.
Bottle quantity: (a) 180 capsules and (b) 100 capsules
Bottle Type: New 'barrier proof / non permeable' Plastic.
Please contact us for further discussion and information on the products and/or pricing.